Thursday 23 February 2023

What's Mr. Windibanks like?

Please let me introduce Mr. Windibanks. Mr. Windibanks is stepfather of Miss Sutherland. Mr. Windibanks was nearly fifteen years younger than mother of Miss Sutherland and they were married after Miss Sutherland’s father died. He works for a wine company.

Miss Sutherland received one hundred pounds a year from her Uncle Ned in New Zealand after her father died. She gave her mother and Mr. Windibanks the hundreds pounds, and he got it from Miss Sutherland’s bank and gave his wife it.

Mr. Windibanks had tickets for a dance every year, but he didn’t want her daughter to go to the dance because he though “They’re not very nice people”. Mr. Windibanks often goes to France for two or three days. During he was there, Miss Sutherlands could get to the dance with her mother. After Miss Sutherland met Mr. Angel, he could visit her house during Mr. Windibanks were in France. After he came back to home, Mr. Angel wrote a letter to his girlfriend.

Mr. Windibanks was interested in his wife’s money. As well as the money of his wife, he was interested in Miss Sutherland’s money which receive from her uncle. If Miss Sutherland marries anyone, Mr. Windibanks may not be able to receive Miss Sutherland’s money. Thus, Mr. Sutherland did not want Miss Sutherland to marry.