Friday 4 March 2022

Kotaro & his Dragon Mother

Once upon a time, there was a good guy who managed cultivation for his village. He had girlfriend. They loved each other but he didn’t know her well.

One day, he secretly attached a long thread to her dress when she left his house. Next day, the thread showed the way to her house. However the road led into the deep mountains. He saw she was the incarnation of a dragon. She stopped meeting with him as soon as he visited her house.

After a few years, an old woman picked a baby out of a river. The baby was named Kotaro. Eventually, the old woman died, and Kotaro set out to find his mother, because he felt very lonely. He remembered that the woman had often told him that he was the child of a dragon and that he had been found in the river from dragon mountain.

While he travelled, he noticed that his village needed good fields for life. When he arrived at the pond where his mother lived, he screamed “ Mom ! “. A big dragon came from the pond, and he told his mother that he wanted to make her pond into a field to help his village as his father had did. His mother understood she would lose her living place if she accepted her son’s demands. Nevertheless she decided to help him. While she attacked her body to the mountain for cultivation, rumbling sound was very big. When that sound stoped, the new field was born. The village people lived happily ever after thanks to their fertile field.
Nobody knows where Kotaro and his mother lived, but we can still see their flight around the mountains near Ueda city in Nagano like a long bank of fog.

Posted for Yumi

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