Phil's hometown, Lyttleton, has apparently also suffered severe damage. Our thoughts are with you Phil; we hope you are all safe & sound.
I also hope the school group from Toyama is rescued from their traumatic experience quickly.
English language school in the heart of the Japanese Alps, and English language learners sharing their experiences online. Teachers post regular items about teaching, learning tools, events in the school, their day to day experiences living & working in a foreign country. Students post on whatever takes their fancy - book reports, festivals in home towns, postcards from business trips etc. A little Brit of England in the guts of Japan!
Hi jim! Thanks for your thoughts & consideration. Everyone in family is ok and accounted for. However many people including jpnse esol students trapped in collapsed buildings in christchurch. Hope all is well @ luna! I will send you longer e-mail when power is restored. Kind regards, phil