Tuesday, 4 October 2011

We're going on a ....castle hunt

Yes, I have to admit that location sometimes trumps everything.

Pre-school this morning, and one of our trademark fabulously cloudless early autumn skies on display...the mountains marking the skyline beautifully and just a hint that the trees are starting to turn. What would you do?!

Well, we went through the motions for a little while, but after snacktime the day really was looking to inviting to ignore anymore! Hats on, jackets on, shoes on - let's go on a castle hunt! And what would you know, we found one about half a mile from Luna. It's black, and over 400 years old. Today, the workers were preparing the grounds for the soba matsuri coming this long weekend - it will be rammed! Can you really do a long weekend based on buckwheat noodles? (Personally, will be yelling at England to beat Les Frogs in New Zealand!)

We had a picnic under a tree, then nearly fell into the moat with the fish (submarine-sized). On the way back, sleep attacked the weary walkers and we had a nice little nap time together :) That is the recipe for a very jolly day!

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1 comment:

  1. A little follow up on the gloating yesterday - it has been grey, dreary and rainy all day today! Autumn properly arrived. Sound of neck being pulled in!


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