Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Self-portraits on Tuesday

 I have found a cool app (multi lens) which I managed to find a use for yesterday!

 We are about to start a new book, and I figured we could personalise our inside covers as well as remember how to spell our names. I always think it is nice to showcase the children's work anyway, as regular readers will know. It is also cool to look back sometimes and reflect - that was me?! 

Looking forward to Magic Time!


  1. Hi there!
    My name is Danielle Maley, and I am a teacher in Regina Saskatchewan Canada. We are doing an inquiry unit on people around the world, and I have 2 students interested in learning about Japan. I was wondering if you have 2 computer savvy, responsible students who would be interested in being a blogging buddy with my students. They are 6 and 7 years old, and in grade 1 and 2. The time commitment would be about 2 months, and the expectation would be that he/she would comment on my student’s blog and answer their questions about Japan. Let me know if this is possible! Thanks!
    -Danielle Maley

  2. Danielle,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    I think we can do this. NB I only see my students once a week, and they only really use PCs here at Luna. So, what I might do is get whoever is here at the time to respond rather than single out a pair. They will be a bit older than your students, but happy to be interacting 'for real'!

    How do you want to want to work this?
    email me directly oyajim AT



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