Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Make yourself a story - "The Storm"

Use the words in this cloud to make a story - try to use all the words!


  1. If you want to check out the 'real' story, it's OUP's Story Tree - Green book 4 "The Storm".

    The bigger the words ib the cloud (I used Wordle) the more frequent the word appears in the text.


  2. Word clouds are great. I have created word clouds that include the most common verbs, enlarged them for class and stuck them on a wall for all students to see.

    It is also great to get students to write creatively and notice common word groups (verbs, nouns, etc).

  3. I also did word clouds from film reviews adult students had written. Copy & pasted, then gave them back the word clouds and asked them to re-tell their review orally in class the next time.

    Was a very good way to get them to remember their paragraph plans; still had to yellow card them for blurting 'spoilers' though.

    Like your ideas Martin - thank you for sharing!


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