Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Luna Bookworms' Club

We are pleased to announce that Luna will now be facilitating a book club for young learners. This project has been initiated by the students themselves and is completely under their own management. The idea is that students can share with others the books that they have enjoyed. Anyone can join. Just bring along a book or two that you have read and enjoyed (and don't want to keep), and come and see what other students have brought. You can then borrow a book for as long as it takes to read it, then bring it back and take another one!

The best thing about this system is that students can choose what they want to read and at what pace, so there is no pressure. Reading for its own sake is motivation enough. Its time to relax, rather than study, time to let their imaginations go, discover new worlds... The terrain of the imagination is rich and in many cases a good book will stimulate a persons own creative impulses. This system provides the freedom to run with an idea and see where it leads to.

Books also come recommended by others so students don't have to worry about sifting through many books which might not be what they're looking for.

I hope our young learners will enjoy the journeys and adventures that these books lead them on, come to enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and acquire a long lasting affection for reading.



1 comment:

  1. I really hope our students, especially older ones, take advantage of the extensive library we have built up over the years. As I have said many times in this blog, reading needs to be enjoyable and a regular part of our learning lives.

    Pick up something you think would be interesting today!



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