We don’t actually have a pond in the school, but we do have some very active imaginations

We hid toy animals/flash cards under a (fortunately) blue blanket, but told the children to be very careful not to dip their toes in the ‘pond’. We asked them what they thought might be ‘in there’…All kinds of suggestions and it sounded very dangerous indeed - so we moved a little bit further back from the edge and didn’t peek!
Instead, we read along with Jim, checking our guesses off a mental list as we went. There really were some fierce animals to be wary of…as well as some very nice ones that we can find in our local pond in Agata-no-mori Park. And when we finished the book?
Of course, we jumped into the ‘pond’ to see what we could find!
You will find the recording at our
podcast site or you can subscribe in iTunes
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